David Bruce Leonard is the creator of Rivers of Love Ceremonial Therapeutic Bodywork for Lovers. He is an acupuncturist, tropical plant medicine specialist, martial artist, and author.
David believes in the innate somatic intelligence of the body and the power of our brain and nervous system to heal us and our planet. He is fascinated by human behavior, including sexuality, the potential resolution of trauma, and the genius of indigenous cultures.
He has traveled the world in search of traditional knowledge, wisdom, and tools that can help us create a healthier planet and a home that is suitable for human habitation.
A practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, medical herbalist, acupuncturist, martial artist, and author, David has engaged in sacred sexuality and Daoist practices for all of his adult life.
He is the founder of the Earth Medicine Institute, whose mission is the reclamation of the sane core of our humanity and creation of a healthier planet for all species. His work encompasses many disciplines and is designed to “connect the dots” between biology, medicine, history, anthropology, psychology, evolution, spirituality, and the human nervous system.
Author of How to Worship the Goddess and Keep Your Balls: A Man’s Guide to Sacred Sex and Medicine at Your Feet: Healing Plants of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and Wild Wisdom: Listening from the Heart of Nature, he studies, lectures, and teaches internationally.
He refers to his sacred sexuality classes for couples (called “Rivers of Love”) as Sacred Yes and his self protection classes (called “FAST Defense”) as Sacred No. These ideas are drawn from his personal belief that “You can’t say Yes if you can’t say No”.
His Sacred Yes • Sacred No work focuses on the the creation and nurturance of the healthy masculine and feminine principles that abide in all of us.